Posts filed under: Sharklet In the News

Sharklet and Biomimicry (Wired)

This cool video from Wired talks about how Sharklet was discovered and how humans are drawing design inspiration from nature.... Read More

Sharklet Featured on PBS NewsHour Report on Superbugs (PBS)

Recently, Sharklet was featured on a PBS NewsHour report about superbugs.... Read More

Aurora Company Says Special Material Could Keep Medical Devices Clean (KMGH-Denver)

Denver’s Channel 7 News, KMGH, ran a story and a short video interview with CEO Mark Spiecker. Sharklet’s technology could keep...... Read More

Sharkskin-like Surfaces May Ward off Bacterial Superbugs (Washington Post, Fox News)

Last year, Research Scientist Dr. Ethan Mann published a massive study on the performance of Sharklet against competitor anti-microbial technologies....... Read More

Sharklet Technologies Looks to Shark Skin for Bacterial Protection (InnovatioNews)

InnovatioNews published another profile about Sharklet and the company’s expected growth. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the...... Read More

Sharklet Technologies, Inc. Profile (Company Week)

Regional manufacturing publication Company Week dropped by Sharklet to do a profile of the company and our upcoming products. “There’s...... Read More

Biomimicry: How the Natural World Can Inspire Your Business (Microsoft Work)

Microsoft’s Work blog wrote a profile about biomimicry and Sharklet.   Today, businesses are looking at how nature works to...... Read More